RT-N66u with Tomato by Shibby firmware

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This is a part of my personal notes. Use this information at your own risk. If you are uncertain or don’t know what you are doing. Do not proceed.

Asus RT-N66U is a Linux based wireless router. The stock firmware can be a bit limiting for the more advanced user. If you want better QoS, OpenVPN or just more control over the network I recommend installing Tomato by Shibby firmware.

Download the latest version of the firmware from Tomato by Shibby. Look for Asus RT-N66u 64k in the version folder in K26RT-N repository.

I use the all in one, AIO, i.e. tomato-K26USB-1.28.RT-N5x-MIPSR2-117-AIO-64K.trx.

Flash RT-N66u ๐Ÿ”—

  1. Download latest Tomato by Shibby, e.g. tomato-K26USB-1.28.RT-N5x-MIPSR2-117-AIO-64K.trx.
  2. Connect the router to a computer with cable.
  3. Turn off router.e
  4. Turn on route while holding in reset button. Wait until the power LED starts blinking. The router is in flash mode.
  5. Configure the network opn the computer to
  6. Browse to, erase NVRAM and upload the new firmware.
  7. This takes some time.
  8. Configure network on computer to DHCP and wait until it receives a address.
  9. Browse to and start configuring the router.

Tips ๐Ÿ”—

Problems booting. Try to reset NVRAM again. Resetting NVRAM can also be done by holding in WPS button while powering on. Don’t release WPS button before 30 seconds.